How To Secure Your Home: 8 Key Home Security Tips (Infographic)

How To Secure Your Home: 8 Key Home Security Tips (Infographic)

Our home is our haven and beefing up its security is a top priority. But of course, there’s more to it than that. Broken windows, doorframes, plus that awful feeling of having your precious space invaded in the event of a break in are one thing, but the most important asset of all is the safety of the precious people in our lives.

New South Wales crime statistics show different suburbs and regions are more likely to have their home security tested. But nobody is immune.  So how do you secure your home? The leading security service in Sydney presents this infographic that covers key home security tips to keep you, your family and your assets safe!

Home Security Tips Infographic

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<a href=""><img style="width:100%;" src=""></a><br>Infographic Provided By <a href="">Citiguard Security Sydney</a>

Home Security Tips Explained

For just about all of us, our most valuable financial asset is the home – not to mention the expensive and meaningful ‘stuff’ that it contains. So it’s no surprise that thoroughly securing your home is a major concern to just about every responsible Australian.

So it’s wise to follow these easily actionable home security tips that make it simple to vastly improve the security of your home.

1. Lock up

It sounds like an obvious home security tip, but you might be amazed to learn just how many people don’t even lock their doors – particularly when they’re just popping out for milk or a walk around the block.

It doesn’t even take a minute for an experienced or opportunistic thief to turn that unlocked knob and well and truly spoil your day.

Don’t forget to lock the garage and sheds as well, especially if the house can be accessed through the garage.

You may keep only a few bits of junk in that garage. But there have been plenty of cases of canny thieves breaking into a car, stealing a garage door remote opener, and getting into the main house that way. So never underestimate just how creative a burglar will be when it comes to getting into your place – or just how valuable that stuff is in your backyard shed.

2. Secure Garage

Cover any windows in your garage to stop potential thieves from seeing when your car is gone. This will also stop them from seeing any valuables such as power tools or lawn mowers kept in there. Ensure that your garage door is locked at all times.

3. Don’t be complicit

We’ve heard of plenty of home break-ins that involved the perpetrators using the household’s own tools – like hammers, ladders and even wheelie bins – to breach your defences. So as well as keeping your garage locked, be sure to return tools to their storage location after use instead of leaving them in your yard.

Clever burglars will also look in the obvious places for your ‘spare key’, so don’t just lock up, lock away those things that you’ve got lying around as well.

4. Don’t advertise your absence

If it’s really obvious that you’re not there while you’re away on holiday, that’s simply an invitation for a burglar to take his time in finding a way in.

So get a friend or neighbour to collect your mail, mow your lawn before you go, and park a second car in your driveway. For longer trips consider setting up a timing system to periodically turn on lights or a radio or organise a house sitter.

5. Uncover your home

This is one of the home security tips most people don’t think of – Imagine you’re a burglar, and you’re choosing between two homes to break into. One is nicely concealed by trees and bushes, meaning you can tamper away at your locks without being seen from the street. And the other is unobscured and automatically lights up like a Christmas tree when movement is detected. The choice is easy, right?

So don’t provide the very cover that every burglar dreams of. Keep bushes trimmed near doorways and windows and install security lighting as well.

6. Secure Windows & Doors

Review your home entry points, ensuring you have doors with deadlocks and secure window locks or shutters. Often
break-ins attempts are thwarted by secure windows or doors that were tampered with but not breached.

7. Invest in a Small Safe

Among the most common things stolen by home burglars are jewellery, small devices and cash – because they’re valuable and they’re easy to grab and carry. Many households could, therefore, benefit from a small safe, so that even if you are broken into, the burglar might not even bother taking very much at all.

Review your home entry points, ensuring you have doors with deadlocks and secure window locks or shutters. Often break-ins attempts are thwarted by secure windows or doors that were tampered with but not breached.

8. Install modern security systems

To really beef up your home security get help from the latest and greatest in the home security industry’s fast-moving world of technology. State of the art CCTV camera installations, along with security alarms and lighting are key defences that are well known deterrents to would be thieves.

With advances in technology you can now order smart security systems online and install yourself.

Following all of the above home security tips will maximise the security of your home and provide peace of mind for the safety of its occupants. Citiguard is a Sydney security company always standing by with all the best advice, technology, and services that can help keep your valuable home, assets and family safe and sound – so get in touch today to find out more.